Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Choosing Gratitude: 30 Day Challenge: Day 17

Day 17: Happiness is...
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:13-18

We've spent a few days in the Psalms, letting gratitude continue to grow in us as we see God's people of old choose thanksgiving over bitterness.

Choosing to be grateful is a decision rooted in godly wisdom, a theme highlighted in the book of Proverbs.  I've heard wisdom described as "skill in everyday living."  And training our hearts to be grateful for the blessings of God that we experience is linked to our pursuit of godly wisdom in every area of our lives.

When the writer of Proverbs outlines the benefits of wisdom, he is also advertising the benefits of every other habit and discipline inspired by the Scriptures.  And since the practice of being thankful is a basic characteristic of God's people, I believe these passages that call us to wise, godly living can appropriately be applied to the issue of gratitude as well.

That's why I really like what's implied in today' reading.  It begins and ends with a word--"blessed"--that portrays the type of person God desires and enables us to be.  Some translations of the Bible use a slightly different word that helps us better understand what God is offering us, what He promises to those who choose wisdom and gratitude, who choose to accept and believe that His ways are  to be desired above all others.  That word is "happy."

For most people,  happiness is tied to circumstances--to what is happening in their lives.  For Christians, however, happiness or blessedness is not dependent on the weather, the stock market, or how our last haircut turned out.  Real happiness--that unshakable sense of peace, contentment, and well-being--comes as we remind ourselves of the blessings we have in Christ, and then respond with thankfulness.

I want that kind of happiness, don't you?  And apparently God wants it for us too.  He wants us to experience the deep, inner happiness that is the lot of those who are completely satisfied with Christ.

So as we're seeking the Lord for grateful hearts, let's not be surprised to see ourselves smiling a little more than usual, being more easily contented, and happy with God and what He is accomplishing in us.

We've talked about being "loud" with our thanksgiving, being vocal about what God is doing.  Check to be sure your countenance is also expressing a joyful, thankful heart.

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