Monday, August 27, 2012

Choosing Gratitude: 30 Day Challenge: Day 22

Day 22: Glad for What We Have
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 30:7-9

Gratitude and contentment are not the same thing, but they are close enough cousins that it's helpful to see them working together in our hearts.  This passage from the Proverbs is one that unites them in a most compelling way.

You may have heard some preachers and teachers leave the impression that God intends for every Christian to be materially rich.  Others, though, swing the pendulum too far the other way, proudly wearing poverty like a cloak of self-righteous sainthood.  Today's proverb puts a proper perspective on the whole thing.

The Word is teaching us to focus less on our climb up or down the economic ladder, and more on being grateful for where we are--not only because to do otherwise would be sinful and proud, but also because we don't know what the Lord may be saving us from by not giving us everything we might want.  Even  if we possess much less than others have, if our hearts are full of gratitude, neither money nor the lack of it can shake our contented dependence on God.

Money isn't everything, but our desire for it and the things it buys can certainly squash the vibrancy of our gratitude.  Ask the Lord to show you if there is any root of discontentment or "love of money" in your heart.  Ask Him to provide just what He knows you need--enough to keep you from being tempted to sin to get your needs met, but not so much that you no longer need to rely on Him as your Provider.  Take some time to thank Him for His practical, material provision in your life today.

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